What is Bongo Rx?
The Bongo Rx is a FDA-cleared EPAP device designed for the treatment of mild to moderate OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).
These soft silicone nasal pillows form a seal just inside the nasal openings. When inhaling, small valves in the OSA nasal device open to allow you to breathe normally.
When exhaling, the valves close, which directs exhaled air through precisely sized vent holes to generate EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure). This keeps your airway open until you inhale again, reducing the effects of OSA.
Product Details
The Bongo Rx is a simple device with soft nasal seals and is available in various sizes (SM, MD, LG, and XL). The Bongo Rx is an EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure) device and works as follows:
During inhalation, small valves open to allow you to breathe normally through the device.
During exhalation, the valves close and direct exhaled air through small vents to generate EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure). EPAP keeps the airway open until you inhale again.
Please Note: This device will NOT work effectively if you have an AHI above 30 which is referred to as Severe Sleep Apnea or if you have complex breathing disorders such as central sleep apnea, cheyne-stokes respirations, and obesity-hypoventilation.