
Everything you need to know about travelling wi...
We breathe oxygen on a daily basis. Believe it or not, supplemental oxygen is a drug that needs to be prescribed by a physician and/or your healthcare provider.
Everything you need to know about travelling wi...
We breathe oxygen on a daily basis. Believe it or not, supplemental oxygen is a drug that needs to be prescribed by a physician and/or your healthcare provider.

ExciteOSA Scam or the real deal?
Snoring- Only considered a social nuisance when we dismiss everything else about snoring. To state snoring is a social nuisance would be an understatement at most.
ExciteOSA Scam or the real deal?
Snoring- Only considered a social nuisance when we dismiss everything else about snoring. To state snoring is a social nuisance would be an understatement at most.

Do’s and Don’ts of Oxygen Therapy
1. Place an Oxygen Safety sign on your door, these are generally provided by your Home Oxygen Provider. Please check for Provincial and local By-Laws in your area.
Do’s and Don’ts of Oxygen Therapy
1. Place an Oxygen Safety sign on your door, these are generally provided by your Home Oxygen Provider. Please check for Provincial and local By-Laws in your area.

Asthma: Stop making breathing harder for yourself!
Asthma is a condition where the small airways in the lungs swell, narrow and increase mucus production leading to difficulty in breathing...
Asthma: Stop making breathing harder for yourself!
Asthma is a condition where the small airways in the lungs swell, narrow and increase mucus production leading to difficulty in breathing...

Infusion Feeding : What am I missing?
Either the food and medication are having a hard time reaching the Intestines where they would normally be processed, because of loss of control, strictures or lack of progression to...
Infusion Feeding : What am I missing?
Either the food and medication are having a hard time reaching the Intestines where they would normally be processed, because of loss of control, strictures or lack of progression to...

Male Incontinence : If you hate it you should p...
They are urethral compression devices designed to minimize male urinary leakage while maintaining blood flow to the penis.
Male Incontinence : If you hate it you should p...
They are urethral compression devices designed to minimize male urinary leakage while maintaining blood flow to the penis.